Up TICK – Thanks to Climate Change | Episode 15
With Dr. Katie Clow, Assistant Professor - Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph
The days are bright and warm – for many the summer months are all about the outdoors. Caution though, because quietly lurking in ravines, green spaces and even your own backyard are tiny creatures, some no bigger than a sesame seed, that can transmit dangerous debilitating pathogens. Tick populations and the risk of Lyme disease have increased and continue to rise – researchers believe it’s because of climate change.
“Their reproduction and development is tied to temperature. As the temperature warms they can go through their life cycle quicker. If it’s warmer for longer periods of time they have more opportunity to feed (bite people and animals, including pets), grow, reproduce and form a population.” Say Dr. Katie Clow, Assistant Professor at the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph.
Lyme disease is the most common tick borne disease in North America yet, thankfully, not all ticks carry the bacteria. On this episode of the big Blue Marble, it’s all tick talk, including where the tiny creatures will most likely “latch” on to you, how fast they are spreading and what to do if you’ve been bitten.
“Every year we have seen sites where we have previously studied and didn’t detect a presence, and now we are finding black legged tick populations.” adds Dr .Clow.